7 Things: My Favorite Video Games – #7
Donkey Kong
*I’m not really what one might call a gamer, but, as far as gaming goes, I keep it old-school. I prefer my games without graphic violence and my controllers simple. That means Super Nintendo and Wii all the way.*
Before getting to it, special mentions to Wario’s Woods, a game in which I enjoy crushing Shawna like a bug, and whichever Star Trek game it was that I used to play with my brother in junior high, which brings up many good memories and had a super sneaky ending.
As for number seven on my list though, the honor goes to Donkey Kong.
I like all incarnations of the game I’ve ever played.
Donkey Kong Country is awesome. Riding in mine carts rocks.
Donkey Kong Jr. is great vine-climbing fun. Although Mario is the game’s villain, which is so wrong. Because everyone knows that ‘stache isn’t a villain ‘stache. It’s a porn ‘stache all the way.
The original Donkey Kong is still my favorite though. Simple, yes, but so much fun to play.
Oh yeah, big monkey, you’re going to throw barrels at me? Do it then. I’ll just jump over them.
How marvelously ridiculous is that?