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Inamorata (14/36) – WMC fic
PAIRING: Lindsay/Cindy DISCLAIMER: Characters, not mine. Story, mine. “Are you sure you’re up for this?” “Give me the damn file,” Jacobi said, holding his hand out, looking more alert and capable than he had any right to be. When she passed it to him, he immediately flipped it open, and Lindsay looked down at the…
Inamorata (33/36) – WMC fic
PAIRING: Lindsay/Cindy DISCLAIMER: Characters, not mine. Story, mine. Cindy slept with her every night. The first night, it might have been by accident. Cindy walked out of the office sometime after midnight and found Lindsay half-asleep on the couch, gazing off toward the TV with no idea what was actually taking place on it. There…
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‘Riley Continues to Work Hard for the Fan Girls Because She Cares’
Which is good to know, because you know now we’re not even just WMC fangirls, we’re bona fide Riley LaShea fangirls 😀
I’m going to go to bed now so that episdoe five will come even sooner.
i’m enjoying the virtual season very much and looking forward to your episode. i was super pumped when i saw that you were involved with it!
also, um… how bout those weekly writing challenges??????
We love that you care and love everything you’ve written about my fave pair.
Starry, you flatter me. I do hope I didn’t disappoint.
I know, I know, Tara. I owe you a writing challenge, but there is this virtual season and deadlines, and I’m trying to work on my new novel. I will do them, I promise. I’ve just totally neglected them, like a bad mother.
I’m glad you think I do your fave pair justice, halfpint. Of course, it could have a lot to do with the fact that they are my fave pair too. So much hotness… so much chemistry… how can you go wrong?