7 Things: NC State Fair

(October 19)

It came to our attention on Thursday that the North Carolina State Fair was ending this here Sunday. Since we knew the weekend would be suck-full of people, and were curious about the goings on at the fair (and needed our daily dose of sunshine), we made our way their on Friday afternoon. We explored a little, and here are some discoveries and happenings –

7 – Part of the state fairgrounds here are wicked outdoorsy. That’s where we started, and it was kind of a hike. There were people with walking sticks and everything.

6 – It was 75 degrees, but I drank hot apple cider. Because I don’t believe in cold apple cider. You could put it right in front of my face and I would still believe it’s a myth.

5 – Watching little pigs race is an extraordinarily popular activity in North Carolina. So popular, in fact, you can’t just arrive to the race on time and expect to get a viewing spot. I suspect some of those pig race fans had been sitting there for hours. We couldn’t see, so we had to settle for listening to the raucous event longingly.

4 – Shawna fed some farm animals some carrots. I didn’t. It wasn’t like she was bogarting the carrots. I just get super hives from a dog lick, so I didn’t want to take chances with a goat/llama/cow lick.

Side note: I went to bed with wet hair the other night and woke up with my first cowlick in many, many years. And it was a doozy. Kind of like a hair crop circle.

3 – I was dismayed, but didn’t feel the desire to curse the wearer of every Romney/Ryan sticker I saw. I did, however, shake my head at all of the young women wearing them. It’s not fair to judge, I know, but there you have it.

2 – Raleigh has some intriguingly Ohio sensibilities. This is the only fair or festival I’ve been to out of my birth state where they had both fried veggies and elephant ears. Plus, there’s a gay euchre group in the works in this area.

1 – Poor Big Tex. Not a NC fair happening I know, but Friday did mark the death of an icon. I saw him last year, and this year he burned. Now, I’m going to be terrified to look at any Bob’s Big Boys I pass.

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