What Not to Say at a Panera in Lehigh Valley

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  1. “I once fucked Mother Teresa against a confessional wall in the Vatican.” – *snort* *cough* *splutter* Dammit, I was drinking that Pepsi!

    And I believe you were completely justified in your mirth as well. 😉

  2. Your mirth is completely justified. That’s just the kind of thing people find funny in this country. Er, Australia, that is.

    I generally get odd looks when excitedly detailing things we dissect in lab. (I’ve yet to come up with something to follow that doesn’t sound creepy)

  3. I do believe The Riley & Shawna Show would be interesting only half the time. The other half would be Shawna saying things like –

    “Did you drink that water?”

    “Call your sister.”

    “Did you set the timer?”

    Which would probably be funny for someone… but not for me 😉

    Yes indeedy Tara, we do look forward to Venice.

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