*bows down and kisses angie and riley’s feet* keep fighting i have sent some emails too! i love this coment! i think i have seen other thinks writen by her too… maybe. well lets keep up the great work! and if they are trying to get more younger ppl to tune in that why they chose eli stone thats bull more of us (high schoolers) know what wmc is not eli stone. ok i ranted again…
Angie, that’s me, the author doesn’t mind in the least bit for posting it. The more we get the message out there, the more we might make that noise known to AB-fucking-C. I just finished watching “Never Tell”. Firstly, some serious eye-fucking is going to waste by not putting this show back on. And Cindy’s comment: “Long distance relationships don’t work; take it from me”… can we say jealousy with the intent to mature into posseviness. Anyways, I’m glad there are other out there who love the show as much as I do and I’ll post on any forum/blog that’s gearing to save this awesome show. Riley and Jessi, you two rock for sticking to your guns.
From the other side of the globe,
I’m glad you’re good with me re-posting. I hate pissing people off unintentionally. I do enough pissing people off on purpose to fulfill my enemy quota without accidentally adding people.
*bows down and kisses angie and riley’s feet* keep fighting i have sent some emails too! i love this coment! i think i have seen other thinks writen by her too… maybe. well lets keep up the great work! and if they are trying to get more younger ppl to tune in that why they chose eli stone thats bull more of us (high schoolers) know what wmc is not eli stone. ok i ranted again…
Angie, that’s me, the author doesn’t mind in the least bit for posting it. The more we get the message out there, the more we might make that noise known to AB-fucking-C. I just finished watching “Never Tell”. Firstly, some serious eye-fucking is going to waste by not putting this show back on. And Cindy’s comment: “Long distance relationships don’t work; take it from me”… can we say jealousy with the intent to mature into posseviness. Anyways, I’m glad there are other out there who love the show as much as I do and I’ll post on any forum/blog that’s gearing to save this awesome show. Riley and Jessi, you two rock for sticking to your guns.
From the other side of the globe,
I’m glad you’re good with me re-posting. I hate pissing people off unintentionally. I do enough pissing people off on purpose to fulfill my enemy quota without accidentally adding people.
Pissing people off is half the fun. And you don’t strike me as the type to particularly care.
Okay… this is true.