Insult Gone Awry
Calling someone “gainfully unemployed” (no, that’s not a typo), even when meant as an insult, is actually a compliment.
Calling someone “gainfully unemployed” (no, that’s not a typo), even when meant as an insult, is actually a compliment.
The women in my family have really been through it. I have seen them thrive and suffer, survive and succumb. I have seen them sacrifice. The older I’ve become, the more I have learned about the tough choices the women in my family have made. I come from a long line of incredibly strong women. This…
1 – It’s time to get out of the shower, but instead of drying off you just stand there with the towel wrapped around you wishing you’d never gotten in in the first place. 2 – You wake up having to pee in the middle of the night and really consider just peeing the bed….
I am hardly a weather guru. The only way I can predict the weather for the day is to get up in the morning and go look out the window. But, anti-guru-osity aside, I’m still going to make the claim that this planet, and its inhabiting species, has endured a lot by way of Mother…
Here’s what I’m thinking. Waterboarding is very bad. Simulating drowning IS torture, no matter what our backward government has to say about it. So, then how are we supposed to get the terrorists to talk? I’ll tell you how. Implement the Dolphin Plank Pose. Here’s how it works. A small wooden board covers the ground….