7 Things: A Sunday in New York
(Sunday, October 14)
Sunday came after Saturday – wild, I know – and we were still in New York. It looked to be a day of loveliest loveliness, and kind of turned out that way. As these seven things came to pass –
7 – Banana and pecan oatmeal in Bryant Park.
We started the day prior in the city with the beautiful discovery that Le Pain Quotidien had gone entirely organic since our last visit, milk included. And the angels rejoiced.
And their banana/walnut oats are insane. Which is why we ate them three mornings in a row.
6 – Central Park
It was a short walk through the park. But any walk through the park is a good walk through the park.
On past Central Park walks, I’ve happened past sword fighting choreography and been pushed down in two separate snowbanks. I also came upon like a 12-inch butcher’s knife once, which is the closest thing I’ve ever had to one of those Law & Order ‘New York is a terrifying place’ moments.
Because anyone who gets their opinions of NYC from Law & Order must expect to trip over at least half a dozen dead bodies on the way to their hotels.
5 – Nanoosh
Mushroom hummus wrap. One tomato soup. One lentil soup. Mint tea. Nom nom nom.
4 – War Horse
When we saw the choreography of the horses on the Tonys, we knew we needed to see the play. And I’m so glad we saw it at Lincoln Center. I’m not sure how the stage work transfers with the touring company, because this was, hands down, the most impressive staging I have ever seen. Puppetry of the horses aside, the play mesmerizes. From the music to the intense battle sequences. And they were intense.
We were right by the stage, so I don’t know how jolting the battles were from the balcony, but, even fake, there is something disconcerting about seeing a man die in battle two feet in front of you. Plus, the march of the wounded soldiers… frightening.
3 – The Heiress
Straight from War Horse to The Heiress with just enough time for a bite and a coffee in between. Jessica Chastain was wonderful on stage. With a couple of particularly standout moments. Judith Ivey was hysterical. Of course, the role was meant to be. And David Strathairn was very David Strathairn, which has always worked for me. It was a good almost three hours.
2 – Pizza
You can’t leave New York without a slice. So we didn’t. Unfortunately, it was late when The Heiress ended and we didn’t want to walk to our favorite pizza spot, Cafe Rustico II on 35th, so we walked up to our newest pizza spot, Mariella Pizza on 8th Avenue.
1 – Bar Fight
My hair got all stinky from the necessary city evil of walking through smokers, so I was disappointingly in the shower when Shawna went down to print our boarding passes, and got to watch the hotel employees break up a bar fight and throw the man and woman out of the hotel.
There were breaking glasses and the turning over of chairs and the whole bit.
There are times when you just shouldn’t be washing your hair.