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  1. wheeeee! kinky surprise sex! and discussion of previous sex! and going to a concert in the park! (was it the aforementioned symphony?) and discussion of love!

    oh, this is perfect, because there’s so rarely fic about already-coupled L/C. It’s all getting together, which is also quite fun, but eventually you just want to be past the awkward and into the life. Even if it gets angsty. Please don’t get _too_ angsty.

  2. Oo a sequel! Kinky beginning! lol. That was great. Loved the two dates, and the sex on the brain, the Utah line at the end and of course the “As you wish”. Love.

    I read all your stories a few weeks ago but haven’t got around to commenting on them yet because I can never come up with words sufficient enough to express how awesome you are (not that you need telling at this point).

    I’ve re-read them all at-least 4x by now so maybe I can finally summon up the appropriate sentiments. lol.

  3. mrow, kinky sex!

    Just a heads up, you said “December 4th is the night that you said you loved me.” and I think you meant January.

  4. Did you ever know that you’re my heeeeeeeeroooooo? And everything I wish I could beeeeeeeeeee…

    1/? : By all means, ramble on and on….and on

    That was ..just so wow! I love the confusion over the date, which was something I wondered myself, after I requested this story, “What is the actual anniversary date?” And yes, the Utah remark lol!

    The icing on the cake: “As you wish.” Aww

    I can fly higher than an eeeeeeagle ‘cause you are the wiiiiiiiind beneath my wings.

    Thank you! 🙂

  5. YAY a Sequel!!! You have definitely brightened up my cloudy, rainy, dreary morning! Totally loved House Arrest (ok, so I love ALL your stories) and I am loving that you are writing a sequel to it. Is that enough love or do you need more?!?! Keep up the great work (like you could even do anything BUT great work)!!

  6. Yay! I was just doing that 8 Days of Happiness meme on lj, and I think I need to go edit and add this to today’s happy things. Whoa, but a scenario like this needed to be written.

  7. yep. now I’m going to be forced to reread house arrest. again. although i did cheat and read the last 3 chapters before this one.

    i did a snoopy dance in my desk chair when i read that the new post was a sequel.

    can’t wait til the next update. THANK YOU!

  8. OH MY GOD! There are but two things that could drag me away from a Baltimore Ravens game, and a new fic by Riley is one of them!

    This if fucking AMAZING!

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