Black Forest: Kingdoms Fall on Smashwords
Home for a week. Visitors already, some reminiscing, and delightful temperatures the past few days, as summer has decided to change temporarily to fall.
On the book front, I’ve been back on it, though lax in my updating. Last Saturday, I made the necessary corrections to my Smashwords file, so it is a beautiful digital book now, filled with a proper table of contents, eye-pleasing formatting, and the same story that turns fairy tale damsels into fairy tale heroines. So, if you have an e-reader other than a Kindle, this may be of interest to you – Buy digital Black Forest not for Kindle.
Also, the print version has been up for some time, though it’s showing some wonky stuff in the online preview. I will get my print copy early next week, so I’ll let you know if anything is actually wonky or if it’s merely the glitchy wonkiness of Amazon.